We do understand that safety is of the utmost importance in a program like ours where we are exploring trails and playing in the ocean.  We maintain a low child to teacher ratio to ensure the safety of our children. Our ratio ranges from 3:1 to 5:1 depending on the location and ages of the children. Staff goes through Live Scan fingerprinting and are CPR / First Aid certified.  We do encourage children to take healthy risks as we explore and play outdoors. However, safety is our top priority and we establish firm limits when needed to ensure the safety of your child (ren). This is especially true when we are playing by the ocean.  The children learn to have fun and play in and near the water while remaining safe at all times. It is amazing to see each child’s process in learning to play safely in the ocean. Some jump right in while for others it can take a little more time and there are always lessons to be learned while playing at the beach.  We are also consistently talking with the children about water conditions, including rip tides and currents and the size of the waves on any given day. We take a similar approach when out on the trail as there are different risks that turn into learning experiences for the children.   back to top


 At Coastal Kids, our role as educators is to guide children as they explore all the wonders of nature.  We base our child-inspired emergent curriculum upon children’s interests and what the environment provides.  Our goal is to enhance the child’s learning experience. Sometimes this comes from materials we provide or questions we ask, but often can come from our silence and observation as each child experiences the learning process on their own or with one another.  Children’s interests lead the day and no two days are alike. Learning occurs organically and our sensory rich learning experience is hands-on. We are able to see, taste, feel, hear, and touch what the natural environment has to offer. Each day is a new adventure full of running, climbing, digging, exploring and getting dirty! We encourage and empower the children to take healthy risks while ensuring they are safe.  At Coastal Kids we believe that children learn the most through their interactions with each other and their environment. Children will develop a respect and appreciation for the natural environment that we hope will carry on for a lifetime.  back to top


Sometimes the most important thing we learn does not come from nature, but in our interactions with our peers.  First and foremost we make sure children are safe in any conflicts that may arise. We get down on the child’s level and guide them through this process.  Each situation is different and some will require us to intervene and in others it is best if we allow the children to work through this process. We are there as guides in case they need support and we make sure each child has a voice working through these interactions.  back to top


 We honor separation and recognize that all children are unique in going through this process. Some kids are fine the first day while others take some time in getting comfortable with our program. Some parents are asked to stay until their child is comfortable. back to top


Kids do not have to be potty trained in order to enroll in our programs. We are happy to assist your child if they are in the process of potty training. Please let the director and / or lead teacher know how we can best help your child. We only ask that you please provide a sufficient amount of diapers, wipes, and changes of clothes. back to top


Please do not bring your child to camp if they do not appear well or may be contagious. If your child’s energy is low or they do not seem well it may be especially difficult for them to participate in an outdoor program. We want to make sure that if your child is sick that they do not spread their illness to other children, their families and our teachers. In doing that please follow these guidelines. Please keep your child home if they exhibit:

  • Fever of 100+: (Must be fever‐free for 24 hours before returning)   

  • Diarrhea: More than one loose stool within a 24 hour period

  • Vomiting in the past 24 hours

  • Severe coughing and / or runny nose (I have heard different things, but the CA Childcare Health Program states that clear mucus / snot at the beginning of a cold is the most contagious)

  • Rashes or lesions: (un‐identifiable or non‐typical rash)

  • Pink‐eye (conjunctivitis): Redness of eyelid, swelling and/or discharge

  • Change of color of skin or eyes

  • Lice or scabies: For head lice, children and staff may return after treatment and no nits; for scabies, return after treatment.

  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing

  • Severe pain, nausea, or stomach cramps

Please use your best judgment. If you are unsure please talk to the lead counselor or director and they will make the final decision. If your child has exhibited any of the symptoms above you must keep your child at home for a minimum of 24 hours, even if your pediatrician has given authorization for your child to return. If your child exhibits these symptoms at school we will contact you immediately. You must pick your child up within 1 hour of notification. We regret any inconvenience these policies may cause but it helps us keep all of the children and staff healthy. back to top


Please do not arrive early for camp. Start time is at 9am unless otherwise specified. Dropping off early can interfere with setup / prep for the day when each minute is crucial. If you need early drop off, please contact the director to see if we can accommodate that.

Please pick up your child on time.  If you are over 5 minutes late for pick-up you will be charged at a rate of $1 / minute. If you cannot find parking please text / call a staff member for assistance. back to top


A backpack that your child can wear (less weight the better, only the essentials). Please label everything that you would like to return home safely and remind children to zip their possessions up in their backpack (especially when they change their clothes). We will also remind them.

  • A backpack that your child can wear and carry (less weight the better, only the essentials)

  • Pack a lunch and snacks (NO NUTS PLEASE!!  We do have children with allergies.), reusable water bottle, and a change of clothes (diapers and wipes if necessary).  We do often get wet and dirty. We also burn a lot of energy playing outdoors so make sure to pack an ample amount of food.  Please avoid packing treats or any foods with added sugars. We strive to set an example for maintaining a healthy diet at Coastal Kids.

  • Please pack at least one change of clothes and include a bag for wet and / or dirty clothes.

  • Please have children dressed in appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear (crocs and flip-fops will not work on many days as we may be walking / hiking, water sandals work well and we are often barefoot).  As we are hiking often I would recommend long pants and a long sleeve shirt. Although not seen often snakes, ticks, poison oak, and other dangers are all parts of nature.  On hiking days you may want to double check for ticks. We have only come across one so far and it was on me!!   

  • Include swim attire. Especially in warmer months and during summer camp it may be easiest if swim attire is worn underneath clothing. Protection from the sun is important at Coastal Kids, especially on beach days.  Long sleeve rash guards (even swim leggings) and hats with extra coverage from the sun work really well. Wet suits come in handy during summer beach camp (especially early summer) for those children that spend hours in the ocean. Please pack a towel and do not forget to claim it at the end of the day. We often find water even on non beach days. 

  • Please remember that we are typically along the coast and weather can be a lot cooler than in the city.

  • Please label everything that you would like to return home safely.  It is very helpful to staff if sunscreen, backpacks, lunches, towels and water bottles are labeled.  Please remind children to pack up their possessions / food after they open their backpack or have lunch.  This is something we work with them on and is a skill that will last a lifetime, so better to start them young.  Our goal is for children to become self-sufficient in taking care of and putting away their personal items. Seagulls, squirrels and other wildlife have been known to hang out near those kids that are still learning. 

  • Please do not send your child with any toys or extra items from home, loveys are ok if needed. Children can bring their own boogie boards, but make sure not to forget it at the end of the day.

  • We are 100% outdoors, so please apply sunscreen before drop-off, and pack extra sunscreen with your child’s name on it. Staff will help reapply sunscreen upon request. We practice safety around the sun and want to avoid any sunburns. Here’s our recommendation.
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March / April: Spring Break Camps (contact director for dates)

June 12 - September 1: Summer Camps

November - December: Thanksgiving Week / Winter Break Camps

*We are also open for most school holidays

**Rates may be higher on these dates
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